Codes for Grammatical Errors
1. ALT + C = Concord Error/Error in Subject-Verb agreement/Feil i samsvar mellom Subjekt og Verbal
2. ALT + P = Punctuation Error
3. Ctrl + ALT + P = Preposition Error
4. ALT + S= Spelling Mistake
5. ALT + I = Incorrect use of «it» and «there»
6. ALT + H= Work with Homophones or words which sound the same but are spelt differently
7. Ctrl + Alt + A = Incorrect use of “Adjective” when “Adverb” should be used.
8. Alt + F = Too Informal for this genre.
9. Alt + E =Incorrect use of the Progressive Tense when the Simple Tense should be used.
10. Alt + U = Usage Error / Feil formulering Example:” I have done a mistake” instead of “I have made a mistake»
11. Ctrl + Alt + R = Rewrite
12. Alt + V = Incorrect form of the Verb / Feil i Verbbøying
13. Alt + T = Incorrect Tense
14. Alt + A: Incorrect Article (Articles are “a”, “an” and “the”)
15. Alt + M = Incorrect Modal Verb (Some Modal Verbs are “Can”, “Could”, “Should” etc.)
16. Alt + W: Incorrect use of Who/ Which/that
17. Ctrl + Alt + W = Incorrect word for this context
18. Alt + O = Wrong word order or syntax / Feil plassering av ordene i setning. Example: Afterwards, met we at a store.
19. Ctrl + Alt + C = Language too colloquial or conversational/ Språket har et muntlig preg.
20. Alt + N = Norvagisme = Use og Norwegian idioms and expressions in English /Bruk av norske uttryksmåter i engelsk
Positive Codes:
1. Alt + G = Good Argument.
2. Shift + Ctrl + S = A well written Sentence
3. Shift + Ctrl + C = Correct use of Concord or Subject Verb agreement
4. Shift + Ctrl + Q = Correct use of semi colon.
5. Shift + Alt + I = Correct use of “It” and “There”
6. Shift + Alt + W = Correct use of Who/Which/That
7. Shift + Alt + O = Excellent Syntax/Word order/Bra plassering av ordene i en setning.
8. Shift + Alt + N = Correct use of Idioms
9. Shift + Alt + T= Good Topical Sentence
10. Shift + Alt + C = Good Conclusive Sentence
11. Ctrl + Alt + T = Good Transition Sentence