Elevene som tar faget internasjonal engelsk får følgende dokument der det står en kort sammendrag om hva tekstene i deres bok, "Access to International English" handler om samt hvilke kompetansemål disse tekstene dekker. De får også en liste med noen tekniske begrep knyttet til faget som, "Consumerism", "Intercultural Communication" osv. Dette kan være veldig nyttig til eksamen/heldagsprøver og lignende for elevene fordi det blir lett å finne og bruke informasjon fra disse tekstene. Klikk her for å laste dokumentet
Students who are enrolled in the subject, International English, get the following document. This document gives them basically a short summary of all the texts in the book, "Access to International English". There is also a list of the competence aim each text deals with along with a list of technical words they can use like "Consumerism", "Intercultural Communication" etc. This can be a very useful tool for them when they are preparing for an exam or mock exams because it can make it easy for them to use these texts. Click here to download the document.
Students who are enrolled in the subject, International English, get the following document. This document gives them basically a short summary of all the texts in the book, "Access to International English". There is also a list of the competence aim each text deals with along with a list of technical words they can use like "Consumerism", "Intercultural Communication" etc. This can be a very useful tool for them when they are preparing for an exam or mock exams because it can make it easy for them to use these texts. Click here to download the document.
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