Et av
de kompetansemålene på faget internasjonal engelsk handler om å
"presentere et større
fordypningsarbeid med emne fra internasjonal engelsk eller et annet
fag innen eget programområde og vurdere prosessen." Her er et undervisningsopplegg og vurderingskriterier knyttet til det. Klikk her for å laste ned undervisningsopplegget.
Pupils taking the programme subject, "International English," have to be able to: present a major in-depth project on a topic from International English or another subject from his or her own programme area and assess the process. Here is the task and assessment criteria related to this assignment: Click here to download the teaching assignment.
Pupils taking the programme subject, "International English," have to be able to: present a major in-depth project on a topic from International English or another subject from his or her own programme area and assess the process. Here is the task and assessment criteria related to this assignment: Click here to download the teaching assignment.
Dear Jaspreet, I enjoy the way you organize your work. So nice to see the way you work! :)
SvarSlettThank you Venke! I really appreciate the feedback. Helps me know if I am on the right track! :-)