onsdag 18. september 2013

Task about Global English (in accordance with the new competence aims) / Oppgave om global engelsk (i samsvar med den nye læreplan i engelsk)

Here is a task that fulfills the following competence aims. Assessment criteria are included:
1) to discuss the growth of the English language as a universal world language 
 2)   write different types of texts with good writing structure and coherence that are adapted to a specific purpose and situation.
 3)   use standard forms of grammatical structures, spellings, conjugation patterns, varied sentence structure and varied cohesive devices.
4)   assess various sources and use content from these sources independently, critically and in a way that the content can be verified.

The above aims have been translated to English by me from the Norwegian version since Udir has still to upload the English version of the new curriculum. 

Her er en oppgave som oppfyller følgende kompetansemål. Vurderingskriterier er inkludert: 
   1)  drøfte framveksten av engelsk som et verdensspråk
·         2) skrive ulike typer tekster med struktur og sammenheng, tilpasset formål og situasjon
·         3) bruke mønstre for rettskriving, ordbøying og variert setnings- og tekstbygging i produksjon av tekst
·         4) vurdere forskjellige kilder og bruke innhold fra kildene på en selvstendig, kritisk og etterprøvbar måte

mandag 1. april 2013

Assessment Form, Task and Assessment Criteria for a Short Story about Indigenous Peoples / Vurderingsskjema samt Oppgave og Kriterier til en Novelle om Urfolk

Elevene våre på Studisepesialiserende Vg1 har skrevet en novelle om urfolk.
Her finner dere oppgaven samt kriteriene og her finner dere vurderingskjema. Kriteriene for innholdet er laget i samarbeid med mine kollegaer Hanne Bjerke Vasshaug og Linn Therese Jostem. Her finner dere et annent skjema med vurderingskriterier som jeg utviklet tidligere om å skrive en novelle som ikke har med urfolk å gjøre.

Pupils taking general studies at my school have been writing a short story about the Indigenous Peoples. Here is a document where you will find the task along with the assessment criteria. Here is the assessment form we used to correct the short stories. The assessment criteria for the content of the task have been developed with critical input from my colleagues Hanne Bjerke Vasshaug og Linn Therese Jostem. Here you can see another form with assessment criteria which I had developed earlier and which can be used for writing any kind of short story. 

fredag 22. februar 2013

The Victorian Period/The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/Oral Conversations

My students just had an oral conversation with me about the book The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and the Victorian Period. These conversations give me a real good insight into what they have learnt. Here is the task and here is the handout they got in order to work with this task

torsdag 21. februar 2013

For mye bruk av verb + ing / When not to use verb + ing or the Present Progressive Tense

Mange norske elever som lærer engelsk som ESL bruker ofte for mye "ing". Her har jeg skrevet ned noen regler for når vi IKKE skal bruke verb+ing. 

Many Norwegian ESL learners use the Present Progressive where they actually should be using the Simple Present. Here are some rules for when NOT to use the Present Progressive. 

Indirect Speech or Reported Speech

Here is a prezi which explains how to convert direct speech to indirect speech or reported speech. The prezi also contains a video.

The rules for the reported speech are important for students to know if they are writing a short story like mine have been doing. 

torsdag 14. februar 2013

Working with It/There

Formative Assessment does not just stop at pointing out what the pupils need to work with, but also guiding them to find the resources they can use to improve their writing. Pupils who need to work with the correct use of "it" and "there", can start in the following way:
  1. Check out this animation here from NDLA to learn the rules. 
  2. Here is a hand out with some quick rules. 
  3. Read about the Anticipatory "It" or "There" here
  4. After that the learners can work with extra exercises here: 
    1. Excercises 
    2. Excercises 2
Good luck!

tirsdag 12. februar 2013

Working with Comma Splice / Overuse of Comma

Formative Assessment does not just stop at pointing out what the pupils need to work with, but also guiding them to find the resources they can use to improve their writing. 

Some pupils overuse the comma and use it to connect two independent sentences. 

This grammatical error is called a comma splice. 

Here is an example:

The movie is excellent, it shows us how the aboriginals lived, first of all the movie is based on a true story. It is told by aboriginals who escaped the camp and still live today, everything that happened there must be true, we get an impression of how the settlers were treated through the eyes of the aboriginals.  

Pupils who need to work with comma splice can check out this document here and work with exercises here. 
Here is the source for the picture used above.

Working with Concord/ Samsvar mellom Verb og Substantiv

Formative Assessment does not just stop at pointing out what the pupils need to work with, but also guiding them to find the resources they can use to improve their writing. Pupils who need to work with concord (samsvar mellom verb og substantiv) can start in the following way:
  1. Check out this animation here from NDLA to learn the rules. 
  2. Check out this Power Point: Concord also and you can work with extra exercises here: 
  3. Concord Excercises: Passage Cappelen
  4. Concord:Excercises Tracks1

Good luck!

lørdag 9. februar 2013

Artikkel/Essay : Kjennetegn for måloppnåelse/Vurderingskriterier + Vurderingsskjema / Assessment Criteria + Form for Assessment

For å praktisere vurdering for læring i klasserommet, må elevene få:
1) Kjennetegn på måloppnåelse eller Vurderingskriterier på forhånd
2) En oppsumering om hvordan elevene har prestert
3) Framover melding dvs. råd til elevene om hvordan de kan forbedre seg

Vg1 elever må ofte skrive en artikkel eller et essay. 
Klikk her for Vurderingskriterier for Artikkel/Essay. Følgende skjema kan brukes til å gi elever vudering på hvordan de har prestert og hva de kan gjøre for å skrive bedre:Vurdering Skjema for en artikkel/ et essay. Jeg uthever det som gjelder eleven. Det går selvfølgelig an å utheve på datamaskin, men jeg foretrekker å skrive disse ut og bruke en markerings penn
Her kan dere se en eksempeloppgave på en artikkel som viser høy måloppnåelse samt lærerkommentarer om hva gjør den til en bra tekst. Her er en til slik oppgave. 


In order to use assessment to promote learning, the following steps need to be covered in a classroom.The pupils need to get:
1)  Assessment Criteria for written and oral assignments
2) Feedback that explains pupils'performance
3) Advice to pupils on how to improvetheir results
Here is a form for Assessment Criteria for an Article/Essay that can be used to present the pupils the criteria that are used to assess their written assignments and how they need to answer the tasks to acheive a certain result.  The following form can be used to give the pupils assessment about how they answered the task and what they need to work onAssessment form for an article/essay. I highlight all that applies to the pupil with a highlighter. This can of course be done on the computer as well, however, I prefer to print these forms out and use a highlighter pen. Here is an example of a brilliantly written essay/objective article and my comments on what makes it such a good text. Here is one more such text.

torsdag 31. januar 2013

onsdag 30. januar 2013

Undervisningsopplegg Urfolk (Native Americans) No. 2 / Teaching Assignment Indigenous Peoples (Indianere) No.2

Denne oppgaven handler om å kombinere følgende kompetansemål: 1) drøfte litteratur av og om urfolk i den engelskspråklige verden 2) drøfte sosiale og kulturelle forhold, samfunnsforhold og verdier i flere engelskspråklige land.Tanken bak oppgaven er at elevene ikke bare lager en faktabasert presentasjon om urfolkene, men at de samtidig klarer å drøfte og sammenligne livet til urfolkene før og etter den europeiske oppdagelsen og koloniseringen av deres land.
Her er oppgaven: Indigenous Peoples - Presentation and DiscussionJeg har skrevet om dette her tidligere, men hadde behov for en ennå enklere versjon.

This post combines the followng competence aims: 1) discuss literature by and about indigenous peoples in the English-speaking world,  and 2) discuss social and cultural conditions and values from a number of English-speaking countries. The intention behid this assignment is to make sure that the pupils don't just present some facts about the indigenous peoples, but that they also are able to discuss and reflect on how the lives of these peoples have changed after the Europeans discovered and colonoised their continents/countries. 
Here is the task: Indigenous Peoples - Presentation and Discussion. I have written about this
 here before, but felt the need for an easier version.

onsdag 23. januar 2013

Oral Presentations Assessment Form + Criteria / Vuderingsskjema + Kriterier for Muntlige Presentasjoner

Click here for the new form that I have been using recently. To me this is better because this one is not so complicated, yet it covers all the criteria that I use to evaluate my students. I just highlight the part on the form that applies to the pupil.
I have started to write the criteria on the task itself. Here is one example:

Criteria for Evaluation: You will be evaluated on the content of your presentation, and how it is communicated (if your points/ideas come across, if you connect with the audience). It is important that you not only present a topic, but you also discuss it. Some ways to do this could be to talk about advantages and disadvantages, causes and consequences etc. Your language and the structure of the presentation will also be assessed (introduction, conclusion and the transitions between the different topics). Make sure you don't just announce the slide with one word, but use a sentence. For example, "As far as the festivals go etc. instead of saying "festivals"". There needs to be a clear thesis statement which declares the main point or controlling idea of your presentation. You will also be evaluated on how you use your sources so remember to use and refer to your sources in a proper way.
Length of presentation: The presentation should last 5-7 minutes or more if you are working alone and about 10 minutes or more if you are working in pairs. If working in pairs, both parties need to speak equally.
Make sure you make a power point.
Script: You will also turn in your script i.e. all you have talked about in the presentation with clear description of who worked on what.

søndag 20. januar 2013

How to write an introductory paragraph - Writing an article/Essay

In order to make my pupils think analytically about a task and be aware of their arguments and maintain focus on their topic, I decided to make them work on their introductory paragraph last week. Here is a handout I used: Writing an introductory paragraph. The pupils saw the following video before they started working on the handout: Video by Taylor Swedberg. The pupils got oral feedback on  the paragraph they had written and they came themselves to the conclusion that if during an exam they realise that they do not have at least three arguments for a topic, they should choose another task. This can be seen as my humble attempt at practising "The Flipped Classroom method of teaching."

Elevene på studiespesialiserende har jobbet med å skrive et innlednings avsnitt denne uken. Målet er å få dem til utvikle deres analytiske evner samt bevisstgjøre dem om hvordan vi argumenter  for en påstand. Jeg håper også på at det hjelpe dem å holde fokus på det emnet de skal skrive om. Her er en handout jeg brukte: Writing an introductory paragraph. Elevene så denne videoen her før de begynte å jobbe med handout: Video by Taylor SwedbergElevene fikk muntlig tilbakemelding i timen om det de hadde skrevet. Elevene kom fram til at hvis en finner ut  at en ikke har tre argumenter til en oppgave under eksamen, bør en velge en annen oppgave. Dette kan ses som mitt forsøk på å lære ved å bruke "The Flipped Classroom method of teaching" eller "Omvendt Undervisning metode."

mandag 7. januar 2013

Oral Presentations - International news topic or a current event

According to the syllabus issued by the The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, Upper Secondary School pupils taking the course International English need to:
 - present and discuss international news topics and current events
In order to work with this aim, I have created the following task. You can see the file here:

Et av de kompetansemålene på engelsk som fellesfag er at elevene må kunne:
- presentere og diskutere internasjonale nyheter og aktuelle hendelser
Her er en oppgave jeg har laget for å jobbe med kompetansemålet.