Denne oppgaven handler om å kombinere følgende kompetansemål: 1) drøfte litteratur av og om urfolk i den engelskspråklige verden 2) drøfte sosiale og kulturelle forhold, samfunnsforhold og verdier i flere engelskspråklige land.Tanken bak oppgaven er at elevene ikke bare lager en faktabasert presentasjon om urfolkene, men at de samtidig klarer å drøfte og sammenligne livet til urfolkene før og etter den europeiske oppdagelsen og koloniseringen av deres land.
Her er oppgaven: Indigenous Peoples - Presentation and Discussion. Jeg har skrevet om dette her tidligere, men hadde behov for en ennå enklere versjon.
This post combines the followng competence aims: 1) discuss literature by and about indigenous peoples in the English-speaking world, and 2) discuss social and cultural conditions and values from a number of English-speaking countries. The intention behid this assignment is to make sure that the pupils don't just present some facts about the indigenous peoples, but that they also are able to discuss and reflect on how the lives of these peoples have changed after the Europeans discovered and colonoised their continents/countries.
Here is the task: Indigenous Peoples - Presentation and Discussion. I have written about this here before, but felt the need for an easier version.
This post combines the followng competence aims: 1) discuss literature by and about indigenous peoples in the English-speaking world, and 2) discuss social and cultural conditions and values from a number of English-speaking countries. The intention behid this assignment is to make sure that the pupils don't just present some facts about the indigenous peoples, but that they also are able to discuss and reflect on how the lives of these peoples have changed after the Europeans discovered and colonoised their continents/countries.
Here is the task: Indigenous Peoples - Presentation and Discussion. I have written about this here before, but felt the need for an easier version.
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