Gin Lane by William Hogsworth |
Satire is a
brilliant literary technique with often a noble vision – to highlight issues in
a society using wit, intellect and sarcasm. Satire showcases intelligence, both
by the one who uses it and the one who it is directed at. This is because to
get the subtleties of a satirical text, you need to be engaged and aware of the
current social and political issues.
The following
task about satire covers the following aims in the English Literature and
Culture subject at the Vg3 level.
- elaborate on
and discuss distinctive linguistic features of texts from different
genres, from different periods and regions
- interpret
literary texts and other cultural expressions from a cultural-historical
and social perspective
- elaborate on
and discuss the cultural position of the United States and Great Britain
in the world today, and the background for the same
- use a nuanced,
well-developed and precise vocabulary to communicate on literature and
- use suitable
language, appropriate to the situation, in oral and written genres
Here is the task.
Task: Choose “Gin Lane” or “Gulliver Travels”
and a satirical TV show from the United States or Great Britain and illustrate
(present, discuss and analyze) how satire is used to comment on current issues.
Your presentation should begin with a clear thesis statement and should include
relevant facts and examples. You may include a very brief video not more than 2
for Evaluation:
1) You will be evaluated on the content (the strength of your argument, if you use examples and quotes,
if you are you critical, do you discuss or just present) of your
presentation, and how it is communicated
(if your points/ideas come across, if you connect with the audience).
2) The structure
of the presentation will also be assessed (introduction, conclusion and the
transitions between the different topics).
3) Your language
(including vocabulary, grammar, idiomatic usage, technical terms, use of formal language) will also be evaluated.
4) There needs to be
a clear thesis statement which declares the main point or controlling idea of your
5) You will also be evaluated on how you
use your sources so remember to use and refer to your sources in a proper way. You need to also comment and reflect on
the sources you used.
6) You cannot read from a script. Key words are OK.
Length of the presentation: The
presentation should last at least 10 minutes or more.
Make sure you
make a power point for this project.