Her er en oppgave som kan brukes til muntlig vurdering. Oppgaven er basert på den nye modellen for muntlig eksamen fastsatt for engelskfag. På muntlig eksamen skal elevene først presentere et tema i 10 minutter. Deretter skal de ha en samtale med eksaminator/sensor i inntil 20 minutter. Oppgaven jeg har laget er begrenset til 15 minutter pga praktiske årsaker. Elevene skal presentere et fordypningsemne i 7 minutter og ha en samtale der læreren stiller oppfølgingsspørsmål fra presentasjonen samt spørsmål fra andre kompetansemål.
Here is an oral assignment that I have successfully used in my classes. The task is created keeping in mind the new oral examination model suggested by UDIR where the learners present a topic first and then have a conversation with the examiner/teacher about different topics they have worked with in the course of the year. The exam is supposed to last 30 minutes where the learners present a topic for 10 minutes and then have a conversation up to 20 minutes.
This task, however, is intended to last 15 minutes due to practical reasons.
Here is an oral assignment that I have successfully used in my classes. The task is created keeping in mind the new oral examination model suggested by UDIR where the learners present a topic first and then have a conversation with the examiner/teacher about different topics they have worked with in the course of the year. The exam is supposed to last 30 minutes where the learners present a topic for 10 minutes and then have a conversation up to 20 minutes.
This task, however, is intended to last 15 minutes due to practical reasons.